A downloadable COUCH SIMULATION for Windows

Couch Simulator VR allows you to experience what it's like to sit on a couch! This time with more immersion. There is only 1 couch.


The world's leading scientists have come together to create THE virtual couch experience, couch like never before, and never before like couch

"I hate this" -The man I paid $2.20 and a bean to try the game

"LET ME GO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" -The guy in the basement when I asked him if he wanted to try it

"⎐⟒⍀⊬ ⎎⎍⋏ ⎐⟒⍀⊬ ⋏⟟☊⟒👽" -☌⌰⎍⏚ ⏁⎍⌿⌿⊬

"This is shit you literally don't do anything you just sit in a room and do nothing" - A piece of shit

this is just a VR demo I made to see if vr builds would function for me and my  "code" not really a functional game but It fills out my page so...


Couch Simulator VR.zip 29 MB

Install instructions


- Open Steam, and Launch Steamvr

- Open Couch Simulator VR.exe

- Couch